Monday, April 6, 2020


75 years Sita exclaimed to her hubby, “It is a beautiful evening!”

Many kids are playing in park cheerfully. Some couples are busy in their phone. Some teens took selfies. Golden-ager are in their usual walking.

“Yes, but comparing you, it doesn’t seems that much beauty”, said Ram.

Even at 74, Ram behaves as 24 and he always loves to make his Sita happy and he frequently makes her to blush.

Sita always feels same comfort, happiness from her Ram for past 50 years.
They always believes, they are made for each other.

“You are still naughty”, exclaimed Sita with her cute blushing.

While they are busy in their fascination, they noticed a couple in late 20’s who started to brawl without knowing they are in public place.

This cupids approached them. Sita advised that couple, “Dear children, we don’t know what the problem between you guys. The mistake may be at girl or boy or both. But seeing you guys, we just want to say one thing. Yes, life has problems. It is common but life is not full of problems. We noticed you people at many places in this area. Everywhere, someone between you will be at fury. Life is too short my dears. We travelled together almost 50 years but still the time is not enough for us to spend. If God give us 50 more years to live, we will be happy to spend it together. We love each other to core. I know you guys are in love. But you guys are missing to enjoy the moments. I am not saying not to fight, but fight a little and express your love more. Because then only you people will walk by holding hands at your 70's with lots of love memories”.

Then the old cupids went out of the park by holding hands. The young couple perceived new sense in their hearts.

                                                                                                   ~Geetha Babu

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